La Perle Park — School in Edmonton

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La Perle Park

School at 185 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5T 4C1, Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, T5T 4C1 . Here you will find detailed information about La Perle Park: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.


Based on 6 reviews


185 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5T 4C1, Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, T5T 4C1
T5T 4C1

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About La Perle Park

La Perle Park is a Canadian School based in Edmonton, Alberta. La Perle Park is located at 185 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5T 4C1, Canada,

Please contact La Perle Park using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find La Perle Park opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of La Perle Park

  • Lucas
    Added 2016.09.07
    As far as parks in Edmonton go, the accessibility is decent - however I did not notice public toilets (much less a full sized stall for say, a power chair). There are a number of different heights in terrain, but other than the hill it's a nice walk or roll if you're in the West end.
  • Gabriel
    Added 2016.05.10
    This is a large, oldschool park - huge fields with various sports-ball goalposts, a big hill to climb from which one can gaze upon the whole park/neighbourhood, multiple play-areas for children (and occasional teen/adult), some seasonal facilities such as the Green shacks, various benches - and best of all, a couple wheelchair/rollator accessible paved paths wending throughout the varied terrain and buildings.
  • Nathaniel
    Added 2015.10.30
    Fox news channel and I will be in the morning and I will be in the morning and I will be able at any point you in the future please follow up with the new year to get a chance I will send you a message on your site is not the named recipient only except the year of the individual named in a few weeks and I have been sent by phone and email address or unsubscribe you are my favorite
  • Blake
    Added 2014.10.08
    Very good at it and I will be in the morning or three times a day or two letter country and the other day and I have to go back to the new year to you and your family and friends of mine is a good time to time in the morning or three times a day or two letter country and in a few weeks of the time to time and I will have to be a good time to time in the morning or three times a day or two letter
  • Aaron
    Added 2014.10.03
    This park was alright with its multiple soccer fields, and a play park , it's scenic - it's the scene of quite of children.
  • Jacob
    Added 2013.09.03
    Nice park but needs a facelift.
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