Morgex Insurance — Insurance Agency in Edmonton

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Morgex Insurance

Insurance Agency at 11120 178 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1P2, Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, T5S 1P2 . Here you will find detailed information about Morgex Insurance: address, phone, fax, opening hours, customer reviews, photos, directions and more.

Opening hours

  • Monday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Tuesday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Wednesday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Thursday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Friday
    8:00 AM – 8:00 PM
  • Saturday
    9:00 AM – 5:00 PM
  • Sunday


Based on 6 reviews


11120 178 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1P2, Canada, Edmonton, Alberta, T5S 1P2
T5S 1P2

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About Morgex Insurance

Morgex Insurance is a Canadian Insurance Agency based in Edmonton, Alberta. Morgex Insurance is located at 11120 178 St NW, Edmonton, AB T5S 1P2, Canada,

Please contact Morgex Insurance using information below: Address, Phone number, Fax, Postal code, Website address, E-mail, Facebook. Find Morgex Insurance opening hours and driving directions or map. Find real customer reviews and ratings or write your own review.

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Reviews of Morgex Insurance

  • Michael
    Added 2015.05.19
    Everytime i call them there is different numbers and information being provided. On top there is no manager or supervisor whenever i have called to discuss my natter further. I would NEVER recommend this to anyone.
  • Emily
    Added 2015.05.06
    My dad died in a motorcycle crash at age 50. All his vehicles and home were insured with Morgex/Unifund/Johnson. They wouldn't tell me what he had insured, let alone allow me to cancel the insurance policies without a Will (was no will), or Letter of Administration, which takes months to get. Even after providing a Death Certificate right away. Meanwhile they charged his accounts, INCLUDING his motorcycle insurance (which was written off) until his bank accounts were frozen (should be done when someone dies). I told them they would be frozen and they said no worries, the policies will be cancelled and that the motorcycle insurance would be back payed to the Estate. Seemed shady but as long as we got the money back, okay. Wrong. Finally got the Letter months later and contacted them. Took several days, phone calls, and emails to even initiate the back payment for the motorcycle insurance they kept charging. I had to correct my address 3 times with them, they kept entering it wrong. I speak very clear English. Got a surprise collections notice in the mail saying the Estate owed hundreds of dollars (because the accounts were frozen well before receiving the Letter of Admin and being allowed to cancel the insurance policies). As Estate Administrator, I am liable for all owed money and it can hurt my personal credit if a collections agency is called. They never told me anything was owed in any of the several phone calls I made, otherwise I would have just paid it right away. They just told me the Estate would be paid for the motorcycle insurance they had continued to charge. They even sent me a new insurance card for the motorcycle. Dummies. Then they said that with the motorcycle back payment and money owed for other policies I wasn't allowed to cancel, they actually ended up owing the Estate money. Okay, why did they already call a collections agency? Asked them to contact the collections agency to cancel and write the estate a cheque, and notify me. They did none of those things. After another 3 weeks and more calls ("this is with another branch, we're waiting on them, we're calculating what is owed" blah blah, a days work at the most), they finally ended up telling me they made a mistake and the Estate actually owes them more. WOW. Still waiting to find out if my credit was harmed, and it likely was. Made the payment same day (today) with the Estate account, but they won't call the collections agency until they receive payment. Overall seems like a very unlawful and shady business. They just want your money. Staff were uninformative, misleading, erroneous, slow, and very unsympathetic. Nothing but the "my hands are tied" response. I've never actually had to review someone until now, this way too terrible of an interaction and I wanted to let people know.
  • Jordan
    Added 2014.07.08
    Never again will renew my policy with this insurance.
  • Adrian
    Added 2014.04.24
    They have insured my vehicles for years, fair prices and fast service when needed.
  • Richard
    Added 2013.07.09
    Recently combined my home and auto insurance and was very surprised at the great rate I received for my home insurance and the nice drop in auto insurance as well. For curiosity’s sake I decided to get insurance quotes for both home and auto from several other insurance companies and was quoted double what I’m paying at Morgex, with no real justification for the higher price. I’ve been with Morgex for over 15 years and in that time I’ve always been treated well.
  • Madison
    Added 2013.06.28
    I received my policy from morgex, I as I reading my policy I saw that they indicated on my policy that there was a smoker in our household, I was shock since ni body is smoking . I call and asked one of their representative if cost will increase if there a smoker in the house? She said yes definitely!! So I asked them why you guys marked on policy that there is a smoker in our household do you guys have proof for that? Can you guys reduce my premium since you intentionally wrote wrong information on my policy. Their rep replied "oh no there will be no changes on your premium even though we change that".
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